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Rainbow Risto-Cafè

Rainbow Risto-Cafè


Fish dinner: 80€
Vegan dinner: 80€


Location: Rainbow Risto Cafè
Address: Via Giovanni Botero, 33 Rome
City: Rome

New Year's Eve at 'Rainbow Risto-Cafè'.

Rainbow Cafe is more then a bistrot, it is a meetingpoint between traditional flavours and innovation.
At the entrance there is an area that simulates the aisle of an aircraft, while entering into the location is like you would walk throught the continents.
The bistrot is inspired by the idea of travelling, and the cusine reflexes this tendence, serving traditional italian dishes.
Inside a soft and welcoming atmosphere where you can read a book and join all the events or listen to good music.
You can have not only good wines but even a vegan and fish menus.
The program would be funny and sparkilng and will start 08.15pm with welcome aperitif followed by dinner (served at 9:00 pm).
Midnight toast with panettone, cotechino and lentils (alternative for vegans: 'muscolo di grano' and lentils).


Served dinner with table: fish or vegan 80€
08.15pm: Welcome drink
09.00pm: Dinner
12.00am: Midnight toast and 'panettone' (vegan or traditional)
After midnight: cotechino and lentils or 'muscolo di grano' and lentils.

Foto Rainbow Risto-Cafè

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